Unconventional Weight Loss Tips [Part 2: Gut Health]

By | December 23rd, 2015|Latest News|

In today's post we're talking about gut health and its vital role. Deemed the second brain, your gut can significantly impact health. The health of your gut bacteria can alter the way you store fat, balance your blood sugar, and how you respond to cravings and fullness. Diets with highly processed foods lead to less [...]

Unconventional Weight Loss Tips [Part 1]

By | December 14th, 2015|Latest News|

We live in a world full of constant stimulation and busy-ness. This also leads to the desire to have everything RIGHT NOW … Headache? Make it go away in 15 seconds flat. Sleep? Who needs it! Find me a way to hack my way out of this vital activity. Happiness? When I have the time, [...]

Thursday Recipe Inspiration!

By | December 10th, 2015|Latest News|

Today we’re sharing three simple, nutritious and tasty recipes to inspire your palate. They all involve minimal prep, introduce new flavor profiles and pack a 1-2 punch in the nutrient department. Try them and let us know what you think! Sir Kensington Tuna Salad 3-4 TBSP Sir Kensington brand "Special Sauce" 3 TBSP dill relish [...]

Is Exercise Your Prison?

By | December 1st, 2015|Latest News|

What does (or doesn’t) motivate you to move? In a culture obsessed with thin-ness and six packs, it can feel impossible to be okay in your own skin. Here are 3 top reasons cited to us for what motivates people to exercise: 1. Lose weight 2. Fit into old clothes 3. Lose fat Notice a [...]