10 Freakishly Delicious {Healthier} Halloween Treats

By | October 22nd, 2018|Latest News|

YAY for Halloween and all the fun costumes! BOO for the sugar overload and the havoc it wreaks on your health. This Halloween, don’t get caught in the dreaded headache + stomach ache + sugar high then crash cycle. That processed candy? It ain’t worth it! But these healthier treats below certainly are. Check em’ [...]

Proven Strategies For Staying Healthy During The Holidays

By | October 16th, 2018|Latest News|

Not sure about you, friend, but during the holidays we can tend to get … let’s just say … SIDETRACKED. So many obligations, so little time - and LOTS of food paired with less exercise. The good news is, that doesn’t have to be a reality. With a little planning and a lot of determination, [...]

Best Exercise Tips For Women In Their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50+

By | October 9th, 2018|Latest News|

In my early to mid-twenties, I was invincible. My body could take on a variety of challenges; lack of sleep, poor nutrition and even cigarettes. I went about my day in a haze, never considering that those habits would one day come back to bite me. And boy did they! But this isn’t a woe-is-me [...]