Meet Kelly!

Kelly Appel – Group Fitness Trainer  

Although the journey for her being complicated, long and not always positive, Kelly has always had a passion for health living. She and with help of Inspired Wellness has learned about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Although not always active with sports, Kelly has been practicing yoga for over 6 years. Growing up in a family that always put an emphasis on thinness, she learned the difference between a healthy body and lifestyle versus simply looking a certain way. She is constantly improving on her wellness journey to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle!

Between school and work, Kelly can be found working out at Inspired Wellness, reading a mountain of books or possibly at an open mic performing stand-up comedy.

Kelly’s Wellness Profile:

What Sets Inspired Wellness Apart?
Inspired wellness is not just a bootcamp, it is a community of individuals who support and elevate each other. It helps improve confidence in its clients as well create a fantastic energy full positivity and self-development!

What is Your Overall Wellness Philosophy?
“Love yourself”, self-love is the first important step to wellness. The importance of psychical health relies on mental health as well!

Favorite Workout Tunes:
Lady Gaga! But I love a wide range of music as long as it has a great beat.

Latest Accomplishment:
Joining the inspired wellness team.

Teaching Style In 3 Words:
Positivity, supportive, silly

Favorite Exercises:
SQUATS! Burpees (it’s a love-hate kind of relationship)

Reading, yoga, going to the movies with friends, cooking

Favorite Wellness Quote:
“It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”. –  Mahatma Gandhi.