The Gut-Inflammation Connection: Why Your Tummy is Telling You Something

By | March 24th, 2023|Latest News, Nutrition|

Have you ever heard the saying, "listen to your gut"? Well, it turns out, your gut might be trying to tell you something about your health. More specifically, it might be shouting about inflammation.    That's right, the health of your gut can impact the level of inflammation in your body, and vice versa.  So, let's [...]

Gut Health: More Than Just A Trendy Buzzword

By | March 21st, 2023|Fitness, Latest News, Nutrition|

It's time to give some love to your gut! This month, we're putting the spotlight on the often overlooked, yet incredibly crucial aspect of your health - gut health.    When we talk about gut health, it's easy to picture some sort of futuristic sci-fi landscape where humans are walking around with glowing guts and [...]

Confession: we almost hit the drive through

By | November 23rd, 2022|Fitness, Latest News, Nutrition|

We’ve got a big confession for you today … and yes, this happens to coaches, too. The other day we were just not into being “healthy.” We weren’t in the mood for the lunch my hubby made … the dinner we planned … or getting outside for some fresh air. We don’t know why, exactly, [...]

Post-Workout Nutrition, Explained

By | August 23rd, 2021|Fitness, Latest News, Nutrition|

Our first blog post talks about one of my most asked questions – what (and when) to eat before you work out.   Well, today, I’ve got another one…   “What should I eat after my workout to get the best results?”   Your meals after your training are important because your muscles can run [...]

What You Should Eat Before A Workout

By | August 11th, 2021|Fitness, Latest News, Nutrition|

I am excited to share a really good topic today …. because I’m going to answer one of the MOST ASKED QUESTIONS we receive when it comes to health and fitness:   “What should I eat before my workout to get the best results?”   You work hard - and fueling your body the RIGHT [...]

Why your mood isn’t all “in your head”

By | April 7th, 2020|Latest News, Nutrition|

Have you ever gotten “butterflies in your stomach” when you’re nervous or excited? Or maybe you’ve had a go-with-your-gut moment, when you absolutely KNEW something was true?   Well, science backs up that these feelings could actually be coming from your “secret brain” inside your gut, called your enteric nervous system! It’s made up of [...]

This is what YOUR cravings mean

By | March 14th, 2020|Latest News, Nutrition|

What’s your top food craving – something salty? Sweet? Or something completely different? I don’t know anyone who DOESN’T get cravings from time to time. But I have another question for you. Do you view food cravings as the enemy, something you should do battle with? Or maybe they feel more like a sign of weakness. [...]

This scale is a game-changer

By | March 11th, 2020|Latest News, Nutrition|

  Have you been tuning in to your body while you’re eating?!  How is it going!? I’ve got a CRAZY COOL tool for you in today's blog that you’re going to love. We already talked about how intuitive eating is all about learning to tap into your body’s own cues, but if it has been a [...]

How Junk Foods Trick You Into Eating Too Much

By | September 7th, 2019|Latest News, Nutrition|

So, I read a study the other day that I just had to share with you, because it personally made me even more committed to eating a diet based on real, whole foods.  It’s all about how ultra-processed foods make us want to eat more. Here are the basics of what they found: people who [...]

Save HOURS With This Simple Meal Prep Trick

By | June 13th, 2019|Latest News, Nutrition|

Are you ready for a HUGE time saver that will instantly up your meal prep game!? Something that will make your life easier, save you money AND help you stay on track with your nutrition? Check it out: in a nutshell, there are two camps of people when it comes to meal prep. We completely [...]