5 Training Mishaps + How To Fix Them

Ever felt lost on your training journey? In the land of exercise, it’s hard to know what will work when you’re force fed the latest fad every other day. We get it, we really do! Today’s post talks about common mishaps and how to fix them so you can be well on your way to achieving your goals and then some! Whether you’re the Couch to 5k type or an Experienced Athlete, we can all benefit from these gentle reminders.

1. Not Lifting Weights
The benefits of strength training are endless. They include:

-Improved posture
-Increased bone density (this will pay you back tenfold as you age!)
-Easier to burn body fat
-Confidence booster – does it not feel awesome to absolutely dominate a new weight you had convinced yourself you couldn’t lift?
Most people that avoid weight training do so because they don’t know where to begin and they want to avoid injury. These are both valid hesitations, which is why exercising in a setting with a group fitness class or trainer is an excellent way to improve your strength training game.

You don’t have to go from zero to sixty in one sitting, but actively work to incorporate this important practice in your routine at least twice per week. Also, always look to challenge yourself! If you’re zooming through a workout and the weights feel comically light – change it up and go heavier! You’ll not only feel (and be) a certified rock star, you’ll unlock hidden potential within yourself and be inspired to reach more milestones.

2. Not Warming Up
Not warming up is akin to starting you car in freezing cold weather and driving it immediately before it has a chance to get ready for the drive ahead. Sure, we’ve all done it, but your car probably drove a little more dicey than normal and maybe even sputtered down the street.

It’s super important to make sure the body is ready for movement, otherwise we are basically “shocking” it into activity which can lead to injury. Proper movement is essential for getting the maximum benefit from your workouts.

For example, try doing a squat when cold and then when warm. You will likely notice a distinct difference in your form and ability to master the movement. When you are warm, you can go lower and get into a position that allows you to get the full benefit of the squat. Who doesn’t love better form and more calories burned?

From now on, we challenge you to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before a workout. If you’ve got the time, throw in some foam rolling! If we had to pick, we always say foam rolling before a workout is more important than after (if you can do both we highly recommend that, however).

3. Not Cooling Down
This next tip goes perfectly with its friend THE WARM UP. There will be days we have to rush from a workout, sure, but if that’s you EVERY DAY, we urge you to make time in your schedule for a 5 to 10 minute cool down.

Cooling down post Awesome Rock Star Workout session boasts an array of benefits including:

Helps bring your heart and breathing down to a resting pace – this can in turn also prevent a fainting spell from a too-quick start and stop that your body can’t handle
Helps to remove waste products from your muscles like lactic acid, which builds up during vigorous activity
Helps prepare your muscles for the next session by stretching your muscles and keeping you limber

4. Lack of Consistency
It’s too cold
It’s too hot
Maybe tomorrow
Maybe the next day
Maybe someday

No matter the excuses, we’ve all got em’ and we’ve all used them to talk ourselves out of doing something we KNOW will benefit us.

One of our favorite memes is the one that says something along the lines of “I’ve been exercising for three days and I haven’t lost any weight – what gives?”.

Immediate results also equal immediate back sliding. Sure, you can do a crash diet and lose ten pounds this week – but will you be able to sustain that?

Consistency, friends, is the real spice of life. Doing something every day that gets you closer to a goal is way more impactful than one moment and then you’re back to your old ways. Celebrate the mini milestones because they really do matter!

When you start a new routine, get determined to see it through. You’ll test your willpower and your body will benefit from the amazing health effects.

5. Overtraining
Last but not least, let’s talk overtraining. It’s important to include REST days in your routine. Don’t GO HARD seven days per week. Fun fact: elite athletes actually include SLEEP as part of their training plan. And we’re not talking your standard seven or eight hours, oh no, we’re talking marathon sleep sessions – 12+ hours. Resting allows you to bring it even more at your next workout. The irony is, all those workouts you love will soon take a backseat if you don’t have the energy to complete them. Listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs. A formula that works for a lot of the people we train:

3 days HIIT routine (strength/cardio combo in our team fitness training classes for example)
2 days cardio (running, jogging etc.)
1 day active recovery (a long walk, power yoga)
1 day of rest (rest or restorative yoga such as yin)
Dominating your training plan IS possible! When you get discouraged, think of every step as a new milestone to celebrate. Don’t get caught up with all the fluff. Keep it simple and reap huge returns.

Until Next Time!

Inspired Wellness

About Inspired Wellness

We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You can catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!

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