Do This For Better Energy

Are you tired of the afternoon slump? Though it might seem impossible, you CAN climb out of that tiredness rut one step at a time. 


You might be surprised to know that food and diet impact your energy levels in a BIG way. Having the right nutrients at the right time will ensure your body has what it needs to get through the day. 


Today we’re sharing a few tips that pack a powerful punch; they might seem simple, and that’s because great health is the little things done repeatedly.


DO: Keep Your Body Hydrated 

It’s rare we meet someone who isn’t borderline or outright dehydrated. This can show up in many ways including:

  • Feeling thirsty (haha – well of course!!)
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • Yellow, strong-smelling pee 
  • Fatigue/tiredness
  • Dry mouth, lips, eyes, skin 
  • Peeing fewer than 4 times per day 


Being dehydrated also affects our cognitive ability and is closely linked to deteriorating mental performance. You might also be surprised to know that hydration comes in both food and liquid forms. Examples of high-water foods include strawberries, cucumbers, celery, and watermelon. 


We generally recommend ½ your body weight in ounces in addition to 6-8 servings per day of fresh fruit and veggies. One of our favorite hacks for better absorption of the water into your cells is a sprinkle of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon. 


Side-note if you drink caffeinated beverages: because caffeine is a diuretic and thus triggers more frequent urination which leads to dehydration later in the day. 


DON’T: Rely On Caffeine 

Have you heard of a little something called adenosine? It’s a neurotransmitter that causes fatigue, and though that’s the opposite of what you want during the day, you’ll definitely want it roaring to life at nighttime so you can fall asleep and avoid that “tired but wired” feeling. 


Caffeine BLOCKS the brain’s receptors from receiving adenosine, which is fine during the day – BUT … caffeine has a half-life of at least 12 hours! That means that HALF of it is still in your body 12 hours later. We all metabolize caffeine at a rate that’s unique to our individual biochemistry, but most people still have more caffeine than they need when it’s time for that important shut-eye. 


During the day, when people overdo it on caffeine, they will also start to experience an energy rollercoaster as the adenosine rushes in once the caffeine has started to wear off. This creates the desire for more caffeine – and now you can see how a vicious cycle is born!


If you’re going to have caffeine, here are some tips to make sure it doesn’t mess with your energy levels:

  • Consume no more than 1 cup per day, ideally before 11 am. 
  • DO NOT, even if it’s tempting, have caffeine later in the day. If you do, prepare for a potential rocky night of sleep. 
  • Try switching to half caffeine to better manage the energy rollercoaster. 


DO: Choose The Right Snacks

Try to stay away from chips, crackers, cookies, pretzels – processed starchy carbs that will rapidly raise your blood glucose. This creates a temporary energy spike and then an eventual crash followed by fatigue. Healthy proteins, fats, fruits and vegetables support balanced blood sugar levels that will help you feel satiated throughout the day. 


DO: Review Your Magnesium & Vitamin B Levels 

Magnesium is incredibly important, and almost everyone we meet is deficient in this vital mineral. It is involved in over 600 chemical processes in the body. Most notably, magnesium is responsible for energy production which makes it crucial for fighting fatigue. Food sources of magnesium include legumes, whole grains, nuts, leafy vegetables, and meat. 


Similar to magnesium, B vitamins assist in energy production by converting the dietary energy we eat into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the form of energy that the cells of our body use. Food sources of B vitamins include legumes, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Vitamin B12 is primarily found through animal-based food, so we always recommend you supplement if you are not consuming those. 


While it is possible to get a good amount of these nutrients from food, there are several reasons you may not actually be getting the full benefit: 

  • Many people have something called a leaky gut, which impairs the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Leaky gut is thought to be extremely common, with estimates coming in as high as 80% +. 
  • The quality of our soil is greatly diminished, leading to less of these nutrients being available from the foods we consume. 
  • Stress – something many of us deal with daily, depletes these vitamins and minerals further – especially magnesium. 


As you can see, the amount you’d need to consume to counteract these depletions is usually more than you could consume from food. This is where our Custom Supplement Protocols come in – make sure you’ve booked yours – they are going fast, and our guidance is FREE!


DON’T: Use Alcohol As A Sleep Aid 

Many people use a small alcoholic drink – a nightcap if you will – to wind down before bed and help them get to sleep more quickly. The effects may help initially, but in the end, alcohol greatly affects deep sleep – namely REM and slow-wave deep (stage N3). This can result in daytime sleepiness. 


Compounding the problem, over time our bodies build tolerance and we require more to achieve the sedative benefits, which obviously isn’t healthy. 


If getting or staying asleep at night is something you struggle with, there are safe and non-habit forming supplements we generally recommend, that clients have had great success with. 


Thank you for reading our tips – we hope you feel empowered and inspired to take your energy to the next level! 


Cheers To Good Energy Levels, 


Sham & Christina
Inspired Wellness


P.S. If you’re feeling stuck or frustrated and want help figuring out how to reach your health and fitness goals, simply reply to this email and let us know you want to talk. We’ll schedule a convenient time and I’ll help you with your nutrition, fitness, and supplement game plan. Just email us at with ‘Call’ in the subject line and we’ll set up a time to talk.


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