The Gut-Inflammation Connection: Why Your Tummy is Telling You Something

Have you ever heard the saying, “listen to your gut”? Well, it turns out, your gut might be trying to tell you something about your health. More specifically, it might be shouting about inflammation. 


That’s right, the health of your gut can impact the level of inflammation in your body, and vice versa.  So, let’s dive into this gut-inflammation connection and find out how to soothe that sensitive tummy.


First things first, what is inflammation? 

Inflammation is a normal response of the immune system to protect against harmful stimuli, such as infections or injuries. However, chronic inflammation (which MOST people experience), when the immune system is constantly activated, can contribute to various health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and even mental health disorders.


So, how does the gut play a role in inflammation? 


Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome. This diverse community of bacteria, fungi, and viruses can impact the level of inflammation in your body.  An unhealthy gut microbiome, characterized by a lack of diversity and an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, can contribute to chronic inflammation and a host of health problems.


What can you do to maintain a healthy gut microbiome and reduce inflammation? 


Until Next Time, 


Sham & Christina

Inspired Wellness


P.S. Say goodbye to bloat and hello to feeling energetic and healthy. Send us an email at with “Gut Health” in the subject line if you’re interested in learning more about our Gut Healing Protocol. Your gut will be doing a happy dance, we promise :))

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