Holiday Survival Guide Part 2 of 2

Does it feel like the holidays amplify your stress levels? You can enjoy the season without feeling like a nervous breakdown is right around the corner, and self-care is the name of the game. In today’s post, we’re sharing our top tips for a stress-free holiday season! Let’s begin, shall we?

There are endless benefits of proper hydration, but one that we especially love is that it helps flush out toxins and strengthen the immune system. How does the toxin flush work, exactly? Simple: water allows your kidneys to filter toxins, helps your cells take in nutrients and remove waste, and transports nutrients to every organ in your body [1]. During this time of year, it’s important to keep your immune system in tip-top shape so you can tackle your to-do lists with ease. We recommend a refreshing pinch of lemon and a dash of sea salt to help balance pH.

Get Organized
That frantic feeling usually comes about when you don’t have a solid plan of action, and you’re jumping from one task to the next without any clear direction. Every day, stop and take 10 minutes to review your calendar/to-do list. Make a list of the things you need to accomplish. If you enjoy having strict parameters, map out on your calendar the exact days/times you’ll complete your activities. Taking just a few moments a day to set the stage for what needs to be done is also a great way to reflect on how realistic your expectations are. Are you over scheduling and feel like there’s literally no time to get things done? Take a look and see if you can move things around to different days or delegate to alleviate the overwhelm.


Be Mindful 
Imagine responding mindfully to situations instead of “reacting” to them and going from one stressor to the next? Talk about an emotional rollercoaster! And yet, we do this all day long without realizing it, having lost control of our own emotions and ability to live in the present moment. Meditation brings you back to your center and focuses on compassion; for yourself and for others. We feel there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to meditate. In fact, you can do it anywhere, anytime. It is a state of mind – not necessarily the image of a cross-legged person with eyes closed. If you’re seeking guided meditation, one of our favorite apps is Insight Timer.

Read Positive Things
A daily mantra, a good book. There are many reasons to smile, and simple reminders can go a long way. One of our favorite apps for a daily motivational mantra is the Spirit Junkie app by Gabby Bernstein. We’re also huge fans of her latest book, The Universe Has Your Back. Whenever you’re feeling like your head is in a negative space (or anytime that suits you), take the time to read something that will bring you peace at the moment.


Do Mini Workouts
When your list is overflowing and you’re being pulled in multiple directions, take a breath, stop and remember that 20 minutes to yourself is not going to make the world stop spinning. And let’s be honest: the holidays are more about maintaining than attempting to achieve a weight loss goal. Don’t get stuck in the mentality that your workouts all have to be the same intensity and duration as usual; do what you can, with what you have – something is always better than nothing. If you’re spending time with family, invite them for a workout! That way, you keep exercise on everyone’s radar and you can motivate each other.

Say No
In other words, set boundaries. There is no way you can be everything to everyone. Don’t strive to do more than you can handle, and delegate when possible to make sure there’s an even spread of responsibility. Otherwise, you feel left out in the cold, weathering the storm solo. Make a list and see what you can reasonably handle, then ask others what they are able to take on.

Set A Budget
Feel like your bank account is dwindling faster than you can keep up? You’re not alone. The holiday season tends to drain our willpower and it’s common to make last minute (and pricey) gift decisions. Make a list of every person you plan to purchase gifts for. Then, set a general budget for each. Now comes the hard point: stick to the budget! Do what you can comfortably afford and stay out of debt this holiday season with some forethought.


Here’s an even better idea: go DIY! Simple, heartfelt gifts can go a long way and have more sentimental value. Some simple DIY gift ideas include:

*Bath Salts

*Gingerbread Hot Chocolate

*Sweet Potato Dog Treats

*Maple Pecan Butter

*Pumpkin Pie Muffins in a Jar

*Homemade Aromatherapy Candles

*Lotion Bars

Have more tips that have worked for you during the holiday season? Share with us in the comments!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season,

Until Next Time,

Sham & Christina
Inspired Wellness

About Inspired Wellness
We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You CAN have it all; you just need some determination, grit and the desire to truly change your life!

Catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!

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  1. Krista March 3, 2018 at 7:58 pm - Reply

    I especially enjoy the tip to say no! I struggle with this so much as I am a huge people pleaser and always want to help everyone. It’s easy to get overwhelmed but I appreciate this article calling attention to that it’s okay to say no and set boundaries.

  2. Emily June 24, 2019 at 6:02 am - Reply

    Preparing for s large family reunion trip, and so many of these tips apply. Brief meditation will come in handy when my introvert is too overloaded with social situations. Mini workouts will also help navigate the stress of having too much to accomplish in a short time thanks for the tips!

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