How To Use Self-Talk To Your Advantage

Most people don’t realize that the voice in their head—what we call “self-talk”—is one of the most significant contributors to their confidence and self-esteem.


When your inner voice is positive and empowering, you’ve probably instituted a habit of talking to yourself that way.

If you tend to be negative in your self-talk, here are some ways to turn that around.


First, you should realize that the little voice in your head often lies.


When you’re thinking of nothing, your mind makes its noise. This “thought chatter” is a distraction that happens when your brain is unoccupied.


TIP: Your brain is constantly processing information, and you don’t have to remind yourself to focus consciously—it just happens!


It also means that it is possible to gain control over that information!


To turn your negative thought chatter into something positive, try doing the following:



The first step in dealing with negative self-talk is to notice when it happens. Awareness is critical, and notice how often you experience it in a day.



Whenever you notice negative self-talk happening. Step back and ask, “What’s this negative self-talk business all about?” The more you do this, the less likely you seem to listen to your old tapes. And don’t forget, you’re going to keep using those new positive phrases. You can even name Negative Nelly or Cynical Cindy if it helps.



If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, try to turn them around as quickly as possible. Giving yourself a break when you start to spiral helps a lot!


For example: Let’s say you’ve had a long day at work, and your internal chatter is telling you to skip your workout because you’re tired and grumpy. Try turning around that negative self-talk by reminding yourself that your workout will lift you, not down. It will give you the energy you need to get through the day. 



If negative, self-defeating thoughts plague you, try ­replacing them with positive messages that you give yourself and repeat over and over. Even a few minutes of this positive self­talk can improve your mood and outlook.


Ideas: “I am confident.” “I am unstoppable.” “I feel strong and motivated.” “I’m proud of how well I’m doing with my fitness routine.”

There’s no need to feel embarrassed by your negative thoughts, and we all have them.


The best way to combat negative thought patterns is to become aware of them and replace them with ideas that boost confidence.


When we let negative thoughts dictate who we are and what we do, we impart power to those negative thoughts. These thoughts can prevent us from living the life we deserve with that power. Don’t let negative self-talk hold you back from living the life you are meant to live.


Committed to Your Success,

Christina Sanghera


P.S. We know it’s not always easy to take that first step. You’re not alone, and we’ve got your back. Just message +1 916 234 6320 and we can set up a time to talk about your goals and how we can help.

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