Gasp! The WEEKEND Is Sabotaging Your Weight

Oh hey there Weekend, it’s nice to see you again. You and your lack of structure that usually leads to feeling completely off track and having to start over on Monday. In fact, after a weekend binge, there’s a sense of hunger that sets in due to wildly fluctuating blood sugar levels that has nothing to do with actually being hungry and needing sustenance. So if it feels like Monday is impossible for getting back on track there’s a reason for that.

But let me be clear: this post is not meant to tell you how to be perfect so you can finally achieve the body of your dreams. Nope, this post is rooted in realism; in the hard-to-recognize small moments that accumulate, and how mindful consumption no matter WHAT you happen to be doing is more important than trying to achieve perfection (which, by the way, doesn’t exist).

Most people we work with, the weekend is anything but mindful. It’s the antithesis to the food prepping, the nutrient dense lifestyle they achieve during the week. It welcomes a feeling of not being in control, heaps of food guilt and feeling zapped of energy.

Thing is, if you’re going all-out on the weekends, that accumulates to 90+ days per year (yeah, three months!). Over time, that can have a BIG impact on your goals and can be the reason you get stuck.

Knowing that, what do you do? Deprive yourself and never go off-plan? Yeahhh, no. Instead, let’s explore what happens when you’re mindful and intentional about the weekend.

In today’s post, I’m sharing FIVE tips for getting off that train for good and learning how to own + enjoy your weekends instead of getting through them in a haze and feeling guilty come Monday (ain’t nobody got time for that!?).

Tip #1: Figure out your “just enough”.

Everyone has different goals. Different metabolisms, lifestyles, training regimens. If you want to indulge over the weekend, instead of a sun up to sun down fiasco, what if you mindfully decide in advance what those two days will look like? What events are planned? What will you be doing?

Instead of several large meals, what if you had a sampling of various things you want to try/consume? Cheers to tapas style! It’s a win-win: you get to try the things you want without feeling overly stuffed.

Find your set point where you’re still seeing results at each check-in but also still able to indulge from time-to-time. We don’t recommend binging and going all out because this leads to more and more and more of that … and an intense feeling of defeat.

There is nothing healthy physically or mentally about losing control and dealing with the emotional upheaval later. Rather, find a set point and stick to it. Really truly enjoy your food and make sure that that enjoyment isn’t coming from an emotional void you’re seeking to fill … that is a much deeper topic that warrants professional help (which you shouldn’t be ashamed about if that’s the case – therapy can be amazing).

Tip #2: WERK it out.

One thing we teach clients is the earning principle. Not because foods are inherently “good” of “bad” (unless they’re super processed and basically a science experiment … then we’re okay labeling them bad), but more because when we manage our energy, we can better manage our weekend choices.

Example: if you’re going to an event later in the day where you know you’re going to want to MINDFULLY indulge (think: tapas style), do a quick 20-30 minute HIIT routine to get your metabolism revved up for the day.

HIIT training keeps your body burning for up to 36 hours post workout thanks to something called EPOC (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption).

You’ll have an endorphin glow to carry you through the day and the energy balance to manage your food decisions, PLUS your food will be less likely to store as fat (sedentary days mixed with overeating tend to encourage this from a metabolism perspective).

Tip #3: Think of food as fuel for your goals.

Here’s the thing: eating healthy DOES work. The problem? After you reach your goal, you go back to the habits that caused you to need to change your ways in the first place! Then you may even blame the plan you’re on instead of realizing that what got you here isn’t going to get you THERE, know-what-I-mean?

When you start to think of food as fuel for your goals, the “cheats” suddenly become less attractive. You’ll find yourself being able to better regulate the weekends and not obsess about what you can and can’t have.

Your decisions will be rooted in how to continue showing your body the love you do throughout the week so that even when you go off your usual plan you’re making sure the ingredients are still fresh and healthy.

We have been known to indulge at that restaurant here in Sacramento called The Kitchen. Want to know why? Well, for starters we pay a boatload (there’s that), but more importantly, everything is made FRESH and with QUALITY ingredients which make that experience worth it ten times over.

If your idea of deviating from your week is the fast food drive-through, start to level up your mindset about what’s really worth it, and really NOT.

Tip #4: Remember that it’s okay to stay ON plan, too.

We realize this post is dedicated to how to indulge over the weekend, but if you’re feeling like you want to rock your during-the-week fabulousness, by all means, do it. Don’t feel like just because the weekend rolled around there’s a switch that’s been flipped and you must go all out. It’s perfectly fine to stay on track – and maybe even experiment with fun, healthy recipes you’ve been meaning to try and recruit your friends to join in on the fun!

I remember one weekend where we got together with friends and had an almond flour pizza bake-off that was SO FUN!

Tip #5: Guilt when you go overboard? Fuggedaboutit.

Just FYI, there is NO ONE who remembers that slice of cake you had. They’re not sitting in their living room stewing over it and wondering who the heck you think you are. Nope, that’s just you in your head, judging yourself and feeling like a failure (which, by the way, you most certainly ARE NOT).

If the tapas approach suddenly became “Give me alllllll the food and then some!!!”, RELAX. Breathe. You’re human, and it happens. Your best plan of attack is in the art of the REBOUND. Getting back on track ASAP. Not tomorrow, not Monday … ASAP. Focus on the rebound instead of perfection and your life will instantly increase by like 1,0000 happy points.

One night, this happened to me (errrr, I did it to myself … but anyway) and when I got home I felt sick – literally sick. My stomach was twisted in knots, I had a major headache and I could practically feel the insulin surge coursing through me. One thing I’ve learned is that going for a walk or performing some sort of exercise after a large meal that spikes blood sugar is an excellent way to reduce blood sugar levels.

So, I put on my heart rate strap and sports bra and did a quick 20 minute HIIT routine in my living at 11pm. Yup. And afterwards, I felt SO MUCH better. It wasn’t a punishment for my food choices. It was a mindful decision to treat my body with care and go to bed NOT feeling like crap.

The bottom line is, the weekends don’t have to feel like a rollercoaster. You CAN deviate from your usual plan of attack. It just needs to be rooted in mindfulness and self-care. Easier said than done, but not at all impossible. Commit to yourself and start with one tip above, then another and another – soon, you’ll be strolling into Monday stress-free.


Until Next Time,

Christina Sanghera

P.S. Searching for oodles of motivation and accountability? I’ve got ONE spot open for my Lifestyle Transformation Program and I’d love to help you break through barriers. Let’s do some soul searching together. Go here to apply and I’ll be in touch within 48 hours. PS – I work with clients all around the globe both online and in Sacramento, CA – so geography is NOT an issue!

One Comment

  1. Cheyenne October 21, 2019 at 6:40 am - Reply

    I could definitely eat better on my weekends but it’s all about being consistent and having that positive mindset … so I think that if I get in the habit of being more consistent with my eating habits then the weekends will be just like any other day!

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