Top Fat Loss Mistakes Part 2

Did you get a chance to read our first two tips last week? If not, make sure to head on over to part one of this 3 part series [click here]!

Today we’re sharing three more tips for demystifying fat loss and achieving lasting results once and for all. Check it out!

Myth #3: It’s harder for women to lose weight than for men.

Truth: Here’s the thing: yes, biologically men are typically built with more lean muscle mass which means he may be working with a 5 to 10% metabolic advantage. But, don’t sweat it (pun intended), because we’ve got a solution: strength training! Remember our tip above? Women who strength train build lean muscle which leads to a more efficient metabolism and thus more calories you burn at rest. This means you can unlock the same metabolic boost men typically receive by incorporating some weights into your life. Are you sold on the weights yet? We hope so!


Myth #4: Eating fat will make you fat.

Truth: Oh, 1980s. Thank you for your many great memories, like the hair crimper, floppy disks and beloved Oregon Trail game … thing is, you really threw the whole nutrition industry for a loop with your condemning of fats! You see, the 1980s spawned the dawn of a new ‘fat free’ obsession. Funny thing, shortly after, this thing called ‘obesity’ became a nationwide epidemic. Coincidence? We think not.

Just as calories are not created equal, neither are fats. Simple science: dietary fat isn’t the same as body fat. There are fats to avoid, like trans fats and hydrogenated fats, but there are a host of other amazing and healthy fats you can consume for optimal health. You can get them from foods like nuts, avocados, olives, coconut oil and more.

Despite having more calories per gram than carbohydrates, fat alone will not make you fat. Now, a diet high in fats and carbohydrates will, but it’s NOT because of the fats … it’s because of the excessive carbohydrates.

Women’s Health Initiative conducted the biggest study on diet in history. 48, 835 women were placed into a randomized trial where they ate either low fat or the typical western diet. At the end of a 7.5 year period, the low fat group weighed just 1 pound less and there was no decrease in cancer or cardiovascular risk.

Bottom line: healthy fats are extremely nourishing to the body and should be part of a balanced diet. Everyone’s specific needs and ratios will be different, but it’s important not to fear healthy fats and their immense benefit on our health.


Myth #5: Eating at night will make you gain weight.

Truth: It’s not so much about when you eat as it is about how much and what you’re eating. Ever pulled out a scrumptious bag of broccoli at midnight while watching Netflix? We didn’t think so. Late night snacking tends to be on the spectrum of unhealthy, and it’s usually paired with boredom and television which leads to mindless munching and unnecessary calories. So it’s not about the time, it’s about the choices being made during that time. Our advice? Set up a regular sleeping pattern and stick to it! And while you’re at it, set a time to stop munching each night. We usually recommend between 2-3 hours of bedtime to give your digestive system a break.

Stay tuned for next week where we share more tips!

In case you missed it last week, we’ve got exciting news for you. We’ll soon be launching Season 10 of our Cleanse30 Nutrition, Lifestyle & Fat Loss program. Hundreds have gone before you and achieved fantastic success.

Leading up to the program’s launch on January 23rd, we’ll be sharing a ton of valuable, free tips for helping you reach your goals in the new year and beyond. The tips alone are so valuable you could use them today and start seeing change ASAP!

And if you’re seeking 1-1 guidance, community, and motivation, we’d love to have you join us for Season 10: click here to learn more and get on the waiting list!

Until Next Time,

Sham & Christina
Inspired Wellness

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We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You CAN have it all; you just need some determination, grit and the desire to truly change your life!

Catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!

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One Comment

  1. Christina Will March 4, 2018 at 9:34 pm - Reply

    I’ve started recently to increase my healthy fat intake. Nuts and avocados!

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