How To Get Motivated To Exercise


Does your outlook on exercise go hand in hand with all the reasons why maybe, tomorrow, it could happen? We get it. Some days (let’s just be honest here – most days) it’s like there’s a battle raging on inside your head.

To exercise or not exercise, that is the question. Even though you always regret it when you don’t do it, and never regret it when you do, life has its way of sprouting up with all sorts of issues that need tending to and chip away at your well intentioned plans.

Today let’s chat about how to get motivated to exercise on even the toughest, most stressed out days.

We’re sharing 5 simple tips you can implement starting … now!

Trick Yourself
It’s no secret that exercise is hugely important for health and a positive aging experience. In fact, aging doesn’t have to be something you get anxiety butterflies in your stomach about if you treat your body well proactively. Exercise lowers blood pressure, helps with bone density, lifts spirits and oh so much more.

But we’re guessing you already know that.
We are by far the #1 obstacle to our own success. We create walls that get in the way of progress. It’s important to reassess what you believe you can or cannot achieve, and never settle by limiting yourself.

Go here to watch a quick video about some great strategies for strengthening your desire to break a sweat.

Add Music – Preferably 130BPM or More
The music in our fitness classes is generally 130bpm (beats per minute) for a reason: fast music has been shown to significantly increase exertion during a workout. While you are chipping away at your Tabatas and AMRAPs, your body is working with the beat on autopilot and staying in its groove. Ever tried exercising without music? It’s a very different experience, and one you may not even notice from an exertion standpoint. 

Write It Out
Journaling is a powerful tool to understand your habits from a 30,000 foot view, versus in the thick of things day in and day out. Think of it like weight loss: when you view yourself every day, it can be hard to notice the subtle changes. Then, when you see someone from awhile ago and they say how great you look, you may be a little surprised.

Journaling allows you to view the big picture and keep track of all the subtleties (and even better, celebrate them!).

Before a workout you may feel blah and even talk yourself into feeling mildly ill. After? We’d be shocked if you didn’t feel lighter, a little more clear and just plain better. Things to log in your exercise journal could include:
*How you feel before a workout and after. 
*Progress – more weight lifted, faster mile time, etc. 
*Inspirational quotes (for those especially tough days). 
*Your “why” – what keeps you motivated to stay consistent?

Get Social
As social beings we respond positively to social settings more than simply willpower. Willpower has its place and can definitely propel you toward success, but at our core we enjoy being social and sharing experiences with others.

It’s no wonder, then, that group fitness has exploded in popularity; not only do you make major progress, you also have fun, make new friends and have something to look forward to. Even if you don’t participate in a group fitness class, having a workout buddy or two is beneficial for motivation and the pleasure you derive from exercise.
We challenge you: try a group fitness class (*cough* – shameless plug: Inspired Wellness in Sacramento) or find a workout buddy. You will likely notice a huge lift in the quality and enjoyment factor of your workouts.

Stay Active In Other Ways
Just because you can’t make it to the gym, doesn’t mean you throw in the towel and sit on the couch all day. There are plenty of ways to be active in your daily life! Even when you’re not “exercising” you can still find ways to move. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous everyday (in fact, rest days are uber important). What do you do for fun and in your daily life? Examples of good ways to move include:

*Mowing the lawn 
*Hiking (easier trails on rest days)
*Restorative yoga

Getting into a routine can feel like an uphill battle with no end in sight. We’re human just like you and we face the same battles. In fact, Christina just talked about that very topic over on our Facebook page

Here’s an excerpt from that post to motivate and inspire you:
“Understand that when you stick to it you will achieve breakthroughs you never thought possible [seriously]. Understand that there are probably people looking up to you and you may not even realize it (like your family). So on days it’s hard to get motivated, keep pushing for THEM. And guess what? They’re not concerned with your perfection, they are IMPRESSED by your strength. And you should be, too. Be IMPRESSED by your will to press on even when you feel like you took two steps back. That just means you have an opportunity for a RE-DO which means even more wisdom to collect!”

Until Next Time, 

Sham & Christina
Inspired Wellness

About Inspired Wellness

We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You CAN have it all; you just need some determination, grit and the desire to truly change your life!

Catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!

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  1. Krista March 1, 2018 at 9:24 pm - Reply

    Wow! I had no idea that BPMs in music actually does increase exertion and put your body into autopilot telling it to speed up! I knew I always liked working out to certain music but now I know why 🙂

  2. Christina Will March 3, 2018 at 7:10 pm - Reply

    I’ve been keeping a spreadsheet of my MEP’s during my workouts. It definitely keeps me motivated because I can see the results of my workout. Makes a difference in my motivation.

  3. karlee July 30, 2018 at 9:51 pm - Reply

    I just printed out a 6 week workout journal for my sister and I. Having her and the journal will hopefully keep both of us on track and motivated!!!!

  4. Stephanie Jaquez July 31, 2018 at 1:55 am - Reply

    I cant seem to find the right music, any suggestions? What is everyone else’s pump up music?

  5. Vicky November 13, 2018 at 3:38 am - Reply

    I love the music at the studio and thanks for letting me know to think about the bpm when I pick my own tracks.

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