Wellness Tips For Your Next Vacation!

Like we do every year, this past weekend we took a “mini-cation” to celebrate our wedding anniversary. After working tirelessly and feeling bankrupt on time, a recharge was just what we needed. We took in the sights and sounds, people watched to our heart’s content, ate delicious food and enjoyed every moment.Of course, being away from home usually means a break in your normal routine which means you’re forced to improvise. Read on for some of the things we did to achieve a balance of health and indulgence, and more importantly how we got right back on track once we returned to our humble abode.

Vacation shouldn’t mean a vacation from physical activity. And let’s be real, weight loss isn’t the goal when away – it’s maintenance. But not just weight maintenance; mental health, endorphins and a fresh burst of energy for the day ahead are all equally important. Physical activity is much more than a preparation for stepping on the scale. There are countless health benefits, and therefore we consider daily movement to be a non negotiable in our lives no matter where we happen to be. 
Each day included several activities that often started early in the morning, so that meant quick-n-dirty workouts using only bodyweight (except for an extremely useful strap we used for a track workout). We used our MyZone heart rate straps to stay in a fat burning zone longer than usual since we were short on time. Here are some of the things we did:
Photo May 29, 3 52 40 PM
Quick Tip: Don’t complicate things. If you know you won’t be motivated to get up and find a gym or local fitness class to partake in while away, get up and do something in your hotel room before doing anything else that day. Set your timer for 30 minutes, find a video online or write down your exercises in advance and rock it! 
We’re huge foodies. In fact, we often spend more on delectable meals than we do clothes and other common splurges. To us, food is an experience; cheerful conversation, pleasure for the palate, soaking in the ambiance. When we take trips we don’t adhere 100% to our cleanse, and we don’t expect you to either (unless you’re actually ON the cleanse).
Our Cleanse30 program is our baseline for all decisions as we feel the best when we stick to it 90% of the time. Our 10% is trips away and planned excursions. Even still, a “splurge” for us is still made of high quality ingredients:
*Grass fed/pasture raised whenever possible. 
*Organic dairy (raw gets an A+). 
*Sustainably and responsibly raised/cultivated. 
*TLC goes into the preparation of the meal. 
*High quality oils (versus the inflammatory vegetable oils, for example). 
*Grains that haven’t been overly processed (always gluten free for Christina of course).
*REAL ingredients – no artificial colors, highly refined sugars, etc. 
That might sound like a lot, but we’ve actually got it down to a science and know exactly what to look and ask for without being overly high maintenance. Plus, we actively seek out restaurants with these elements as their claim to fame. 
Quick Tip: If you’ve done Season 6 or later of our Cleanse30 program you got access to our Restaurant Survival Guide – use that when traveling! If you’re not cleansing, Even if you have some of the items we mention avoiding in the guide (since it was developed specifically for those on their cleanse) it is still a great baseline and covers many different cuisines. 
The science behind intermittent fasting is still emerging, but early findings are pointing to a positive effect on diabetic tendencies (fasting blood glucose and A1C levels), hormone homeostasis and weight loss/maintenance. Whether or not it will work for you is a matter of trial and error.
For us personally, because we tend to eat more than normal when on vacation, sometimes we’ll fast until, say, 11am or 12pm. This means we’re exercising at a fasted state – some studies point to accelerated fat loss when fasting + exercise (again, everyone is different so it’s all about trial and error). 
Even if you break it down into simpler terms, you are essentially “saving” the excess calories you will likely consume later in the day. 
We usually break our fast with a blend of carbohydrates, fat and protein – butter coffee + protein, anyone? Mmm mmm good! 
Quick Tip: Try this out for a day or two and see how you handle it. If it doesn’t work for you, do a smaller breakfast instead – always listen to your body. It’s really good at telling you what it needs and wants.
Even if we’re in vacation mode, eating until we have that never-want-to-eat-again feeling isn’t any less unpleasant. That’s not a state we actively seek to be in (truth be told, it HAS happened a couple times – damn you delectable dinner) no matter where we are or what we’re doing, so we practice mindfulness to avoid this mishap. We do things like:
Practice The 80% Rule
Most people eat until over 100% full, usually close to 120%. Bellies distended, indigestion roars to life and they feel just plain blah and exhausted. Our cure for this state? Learn how to listen to your body and eat until 80%. Just because there’s food left on your plate doesn’t mean you have to eat it. What is your body telling you? Are you satisfied but not so full that you you’re uncomfortable? That’s your 80%. Take the left over food and enjoy it for a later meal versus consuming it all just because it’s there. 
Do It Tapas Style 
Instead of ordering two large dishes to be consumed individually, order several small things and share them. This introduces more variety to your meal and keeps your portions in check: it’s a WIN WIN!
Put 1/2 Away Before The Meal
If we do order separate dishes, sometimes we’ll put half in a to-go box before we start our meal. That way, we can achieve our 80% satiety without the rest of our food tempting us to traipse into the land of uncomfortableness. An exception to this and tapas rule is when we are fine dining – and that’s okay because the portions are much smaller, anyway!
Quick Tip: Just like you would when back home, check out the menus beforehand and decide on some of the things you’ll likely order. Then, practice the above tips and you’ll achieve a healthy balance of indulgence and satiety without the overwhelm of going overboard. 
Once we’re home, by the next day we’re back in our normal routine. Part of our vacation detox includes:
*Cleansing teas (lemon is a plus) throughout the day. 
*A little extra sleep – helps our bodies recover quickly. 
*Map out our food and exercise for the entire week – and also put our workouts in our calendar. We do this every week anyway but we find it’s even more important when we are getting back into the swing of things, so we make sure to never skimp on this one even if we’re tired from vacation life. 
*Unpack within the first 24 hours. Otherwise, we’ll have suitcases and half-packed lives strewn about our condo for a month or more which contributes to mental clutter. 
See, going on vacation and staying healthy IS possible. Like most anything in life, you just have to do a little planning and be mindful about your decisions. You are worth daily mindfulness
In case you’re curious, our mini-cation this year was to the Bay area and we had a blast! Check out some of the photos: 
Photo May 29, 9 15 30 PM
Food tour that included a raspberry picking excursion, artisan cheeses, sustainably raised meats and more. 
Photo May 29, 9 18 37 PM
More from the food tour: a trip to a bread maker’s shop and sparkling champagne made out of honey. We even got to taste the raw honey – YUM!
Photo May 29, 9 20 58 PM
Oysters that equaled pure Heaven, a simple and refreshing fruit plate for “dessert”, a sweet message from our Air BnB host and a trip to the botanical gardens! 
Photo May 29, 9 26 02 PM
Experienced the renowned Chez Panisse – loved their no cell phone policy. Ah, sweet sweet conversation. Also experience a chocolate tasting in the heart of San Francisco, nitro brew coffee and yummy gluten free tacos in Napa on the way home. 
Photo May 29, 9 30 00 PM
Honor system farm with a variety of seasonal produce. You put your money in a slot and then decide on what you want to bring home. Love that something like this exists in this day and age! Also picked up artisan coffee to brew at home, visited the lighthouse – windy but worth it – and experienced a savory dessert.Until Next Time,

Sham & Christina



About Inspired Wellness

We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You CAN have it all; you just need some determination, grit and the desire to truly change your life!

Catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!

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One Comment

  1. Krista March 4, 2018 at 4:29 pm - Reply

    I wanted to read this article because right after the cleanse I am going to Hawaii! I so don’t want to undo all this hard work. In my mind I always associate vacations with eating poor and gaining weight but reading this really taught me that I can make good decisions while on vacation. I can workout in my hotel and find healthy restaurants or make sure to order healthy menu items!

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