April 2018 Member Profile: Noora!

Every month we feature our awesome members. They are inspirational, they rock and we wouldn’t be where we are without their continued support of our wellness movement. Our April Member Profile is Noora!

What’s your favorite wellness quote?
“You can do it, just push a little more.”

What are some of your favorite exercises?
Squats, lunges, plank and bicep curls

What motivates you to stay healthy?
Rob is a very outdoorsy guy. I love to go hiking and be able to enjoy it with him. We also started running together and it’s fun.

What do you do to stay balanced in your daily life (hobbies)? Cooking, painting, taking pictures of I love hiking, being outside, traveling (lots of it), love shooting, hanging out with friends and of course whine and whiskey.

If this food/meal were the last available on Earth and you were the lucky recipient, what would it be?
French fries make me happy.

What are three of your upcoming goals NOW, in one year and in five years?
Now: Working out and having the balance between work and life. One year: Go visit my sister in Australia (haven’t seen her in 4 or 5 years) and be able to visit my other sister in Iraq. Have a house, travel more, have more growth in my career.

What are some songs currently on your playlist?
I won’t back down, Jocker. My go-to is anything from Die Antwood (zef), Happy Go Sucky F*cky and some Arabic music.

What do you do for fun locally?
Wine pick-ups, hikes, learned how to bike last summer; anything, I am down!

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Never, Give up!

How has Inspired Wellness impacted your life?
I love working out and releasing my stress. I’ve also met amazing people and got in shape so thanks IW!

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