March 2018 Member Profile: Janell!

Every month we feature our awesome members. They are inspirational, they rock and we wouldn’t be where we are without their continued support of our wellness movement. Our March Member Profile is Janell!

What’s your favorite wellness quote?
“If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great.”

What are some of your favorite exercises?
KB Swings, plank, and pretty much anything but running.

What motivates you to stay healthy?
I went through a couple years of serious back/hip pain, which made it impossible for me to continue rowing. Then I found Inspired Wellness, which has allowed me to work hard and get stronger. I still miss rowing, but I love how I feel after a workout at IW!

What do you do to stay balanced in your daily life (hobbies)? Cooking, painting, taking pictures of I try to maintain some boundaries on work so that I’m not taking it home all the time. I have two big energetic dogs (Finch and Maddie), so a daily long walk with them gives me a good break to decompress and enjoy the outdoors.

If this food/meal were the last available on Earth and you were the lucky recipient, what would it be?
My husband’s homemade pasta and pie of any kind with ice cream from Gunther’s

What are three of your upcoming goals NOW, in one year and in five years?
Keep getting stronger and stay relatively pain-free

What are some songs currently on your playlist?
I’m a podcast junkie so it’s lots of stuff like This American Life, Pod Save America, and Radiolab. Not exactly workout material.

What do you do for fun locally?
I like to visit local craft breweries, garden, and hike.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Persistent, positive, purposeful.

How has Inspired Wellness impacted your life?
Coming to IW on a consistent basis has definitely made me stronger and healthier. I feel like I’ve accomplished something at the end of a workout, which is a great way to start the day!

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