A short review about Mobility and Flexibility

Being mobile is an essential aspect of someone’s well-being. When a person lacks mobility, this means that this person has limited activities, especially in terms of movement.


Our bodies are designed to move in all different directions. Movement gives us healthy joints, strong bones, physical strength, good circulation, cardiovascular circulation, coordination, reflex reactivity, improved learning skills, and concentration. And mental well-being. Without it, we would deteriorate.


One example that many have neglected is living a “sedentary lifestyle” A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to ill health. We must consider how we can improve and maintain our ability to move regardless of age.


It all boils down to MOBILITY. A brief definition of mobility is the ability to effectively and safely perform universal human movements, such as:

  • squatting
  • hinging
  • pushing
  • pulling
  • crawling
  • rolling


All of those mentioned above are essential requirements for functional living.


What makes mobility necessary?

Mobility is essential because it equips our bodies to the pressures of exercise. It is a significant contributor to decreasing the dangers of injuries. It also helps improve technique and range of motion. Please keep in mind that strength alone isn’t enough to have good mobility.


What about flexibility?

Flexibility, on the other hand, is one major component of mobility. Flexible muscles improve joint movement. It’s challenging to move a joint if the muscles and tissues around it are tight. Tight muscles may lead to an injury by pulling on a joint, causing it to become misaligned and unstable.


Here are the top 3 essential things you can do to maintain and improve these two duos to help you keep your muscles flexible and enhance the range of motion of your joints.


Regularly stretch and perform a range of motion exercises.

Stretching your muscles and joints leads to a more excellent range of motion, improved balance, and increased flexibility. When done regularly, it can have several health benefits.


Range of motion is how far you can move your joints in diverse directions. Active range of motion exercises helps improve joint function making it flexible, reduces pain, and improves balance and strength. These activities help you move each joint within its full range of motion.


Strength Training

Having strong muscles help support your joints so they can perform better to achieve that. Regular strength training is essential by incorporating weights or resistance bands to strengthen the muscles around your joints. You can also do bodyweight exercises to achieve similar results.


Avoid the sedentary lifestyle.

Getting up and moving every hour or two is a simple way to protect your joint health. The longer you remain in one position, the more likely you’ll experience flexibility or mobility issues.


Keep in mind that it’s so much easier to BUILD AND MAINTAIN your muscle mass and mobility TODAY than it is to try to FIX it when you’re older. And it takes a lot less time than you might think. 


Plus, it can even be FUN and EMPOWERING.


At Inspired Wellness, our programs are specifically created for people JUST LIKE YOU and it’s possible to sculpt muscle, learn clean-eating secrets, find their inner athlete, and get REAL RESULTS.


If you want to get a deeper dive into the possibility of gaining total control over your muscles and joints through mobility and flexibility, then we’d love to help you with that. Sign up for a 7-DAY FREE TRIAL (plus complimentary wellness evaluation) today!

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