No Dairy For 30 Days?

We’ve all been there; despite your best efforts, the scale just won’t budge. You’re eating all the “health” food You’re told will get you to your goals, but there’s one that might be standing in the way of progress. Can you guess which?

Yup, it’s dairy. We can hear you cheese and milk lovers gasping, but bear with us for a second 😉

It’s well known that dairy causes inflammation in the body, and over 60% of people don’t even have the enzyme needed to properly digest it. Pair that with the hormonal side effects (for those that are ultra sensitive), and you’ve got Weight Loss Plateau Culprit #1. 

Dissecting Dairy

Dairy is simply not something that should be consumed on a regular basis; though the USDA food pyramid will tell you different. Thing is, that guide is not rooted in strict, conclusive science. And (surprise surprise) many of the “experts” who recommend regular dairy consumption have deep rooted ties to the industry. How can they possibly provide an unbiased opinion? Here are 5 reasons to reduce and/or completely eliminate your dairy consumption:

#1- It’s Addictive

Ah, good ol‘ casomorphins. What are they and what role do they play? Casomorphins are an opiate that’s released upon the consumption of casein (a protein in all dairy products). Through the digestion process, this then messes with dopamine receptors and therefore triggers an addictive reaction. You can check out the study for yourself from the US National Library of Medicine here. And if you’re thinking something along the lines of “so what, big deal”, just remember – addiction is not good in any shape or form. Do you want to be dependent on something chemically for your sense of wellbeing?

#2- Hormones and Antibiotics, Oh My!

Because of super high demand, dairy cows are under immense unnatural levels of strain and stress on traditional CAFO farms. The conditions are horrendous and inhumane. When they can no longer withstand it, just like us their system starts to break down and they get sick. Hmmm, well how do we alleviate that problem? Pump them with antibiotics, an amazing scientific advancement but widely overused and contributing to a scary future: antibiotic resistance. These animals are also injected with synthetic hormones to keep their production up. Organic milk is the better choice to avoid this sad reality of your typical mass CAFO farm, but organic milk is still milk and has the same side effects that we’ll talk about below.

Something to note: not all dairy practices are inhumane. Conventional CAFO lots (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) are the worst offenders for humane treatment and the dairy products that emerge from there should be avoided at all costs. If you’re not ready to say buy-bye 100%, there ARE plenty of humane, local family owned and organic dairy farms that treat the animals with much better care and produce a superior product that doesn’t have the typical cocktail of bad stuff. We have also seen improved reaction/digestion with sheep or goat’s milk from ethical farms that don’t mass produce. This doesn’t alleviate some of the issues below, but it can be used as a benchmark if you decide to go generally dairy free but still have it occasionally. 

#3- Lactose Intolerance

As we mentioned above, 60% of the population (if not way more) cannot properly digest dairy products. Those that can tolerate dairy have an inherited genetic mutation. The bottom line is, our body isn’t meant to ingest this stuff, and it tells us with a plethora of side effects. For anyone who’s dealt with lactose intolerance, you know it’s not pleasant. 

#4- It Causes Inflammation in the Body

Dairy is one of the most inflammatory foods in our diet today. Just like gluten, it has to do with the protein found in dairy (casein) that those sensitive to it have a reaction to. It’s important to note that for those with an autoimmune condition, inflammation is NO good for the proper management of disease and can make things much worse as a result. 

#5- Hormonal Imbalance

Dairy consumption can promote imbalance due to the hormones naturally found in them. This is more so for people who are extra sensitive (and many are). The symptoms are subtle but a common occurrence in clients we’ve worked with is unexplained mood swings which are generally a sign of hormonal imbalance. Among other hormones, dairy contains small amounts of estrogen and progesterone which we already know can cause problems when out of whack (irritability, insomnia, etc). In addition, 90%+ of those with pre-existing skin conditions see major improvement when they reduce and/or eliminate dairy completely. 

Watch Your Body + Life Transform

Often when we have people go dairy free for 30 days or more they notice SIGNIFICANT improvements not only with busting through that weight that wouldn’t budge, but also these positive side effects:

  • Improved skin – reduced or eliminated acne.
  • No more bloat! 
  • Improved digestion – this one’s HUGE for a lot of people. 
  • Joints stop aching.
  • Sinuses improve – no more “random” sinus headaches and congestion. 
  • Improved mood/sleep – for those who are ultra sensitive to the hormones that dairy contains. 

… to name a few.

Our General Stance on Dairy

So, are we anti-dairy? Not exactly. We’ve been known to indulge from time to time. But that’s just it – an indulgence. We have dairy maybe once a month for a special occasion, something so decadent we just can’t pass it up … and we know we’ll suffer the consequences later. We have been slowly migrating to a 100% dairy free life and the only thing we are actively searching for a solid replacement for is our beloved grass fed butter. The both of us have noticeable reactions to dairy, so it’s worth it to work on phasing it out. The #1 thing you can do is listen to your body – what is it telling you after you consume dairy?

Making The Transition

The easiest way to make the transition and try going dairy free to see how you feel? Having the RESOURCES and FLAVOR to make it happen so you don’t miss it! We’d be remiss if we didn’t let you know about our upcoming Get Fit Challenge which includes our Cleanse30 nutrition reset + fitness and self care. This is something we pour our heart and souls into so it can be as impactful as possible on your life, weight and health. Meal plans, recipes, foundational meal templates, restaurant survival guide and oh-so-much-more. You’ll never feel in the dark again and can finally say goodbye to those pesky symptoms and weight loss plateaus.

Courtesy FYI: those already on our pre-sale list got access to sign-ups (we limit to 25 people) and we’re on track to sell out faster than ever. If you’re ready to change your life, we encourage you to make the leap and try out this challenge! You can go here to register for early bird pricing (goes up September 30th). We’ve got 7 spots left!

Dedicated To Your Success, 

Sham & Christina
Inspired Wellness



  1. Candice October 22, 2017 at 3:14 pm - Reply

    I’m looking forward to how different I might feel without dairy! Cleanse starts tomorrow and I’m loaded up with coconut oil and almond milk.

  2. Christina W. October 23, 2017 at 5:41 pm - Reply

    I’m not a milk, cream, or yogurt person myself. Yeah they are not my friends. However, my weakness is cheese. I haven’t had it in a while but at a baseball tournament (I wasn’t prepared) this past weekend and was starving and decided to get a steak quesadilla. Well I found out a few hours later that cheese is no longer my friend either.

  3. Ava Captain October 23, 2017 at 7:50 pm - Reply

    Interested to see what improves with no dairy!

  4. LesAnn October 23, 2017 at 9:25 pm - Reply

    The only dairy I do is cheese, but I will
    Leave it behind for 30 days

  5. Courtney Pugh October 23, 2017 at 10:17 pm - Reply

    I’ve given up most dairy for a while now – I developed lactose intolerance later in life due to stress – but I do still have a weak spot for cheese. The dairy-free cheese substitutes just aren’t the same… But I am thrilled to see if I can break my love affair with cheese once and for all during this cleanse.

  6. Kristin Merrill October 24, 2017 at 6:17 am - Reply

    This is so true! When I eliminated dairy from my diet:
    My skin improved
    Bloating was gone
    I had improved digestion
    My joints stopped aching and I got off the ibuprofen/naproxen train!
    My seasonal allergies disappeared and I stopped needing Flonase and Claritin
    My sleep was regulated and restful. I got tired at the same time each night and woke up 2 min before my alarm each morning! So there you go!!

  7. Rosalie October 25, 2017 at 11:28 pm - Reply

    I’m not a big dairy person, but this is a good reminder for me and to pay attention more to what my daughter eats/drinks.

  8. Lindsay Havard March 1, 2018 at 8:09 am - Reply

    I didn’t realize until I started the 6 well challenge and cut out dairy that I eat so much of it! From a random glass of milk, a daily yogurt and cheese in and in everything that I was eating so much of it! I’m excited to see how great dairy free!

  9. Krista March 1, 2018 at 9:28 pm - Reply

    This is so eye opening to me that 60% of the population can’t digest dairy. I always knew almond milk felt better in my belly after drinking than regular milk, but never knew why. I had no idea that milk had so many hormones in it as well. This article made me want to research more what I put into my body! I appreciate the information and tips!

  10. Emily June 22, 2019 at 5:06 am - Reply

    Interesting that so much off the population is lactose intolerant. My partner can’t handle it at all, so I don’t have it often, but I don’t notice many side effects when I occasionally indulge. The environmental effects of large dairies are really what make me want to steer clear.

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