Busy Mama’s Guide To Wellness Part 1

Mamas, this blog post is for you. You may recall that I, too, became a mama almost 5 months ago. This little girl is the light of my life and I love her to pieces. I’m sure you know what I mean. All the feels, right!?

Here’s the thing: despite really digging my new role, I’m finding that time for myself has seriously gone DOWN. THE. DRAIN. Can you relate? We all know that parenting is basically one of the most selfless things ever. That’s wonderful, but if we aren’t in a good place, how the heck can we possibly make sure that someone else is?

This blog series is dedicated to you, fellow mama, and some of the tips and tricks I’ve been learning as I figure this new life out piece by piece. Let’s dive in together and take control of our lives.

Part one is all about EXERCISE. Given the weight we put on during pregnancy, it can feel like a cruel joke when it doesn’t necessarily fly off while breastfeeding (if that’s your jam).

The reasons are many, but essentially our appetites rage out of control like a frat party on a Saturday due to the energy needed for milk production. Keeping our total input in check can feel super overwhelming when we are STARVING. Couple this with lack of exercise and you’ve got a recipe for stubborn weight.

The bottom line is, and excuse me for the broken record-ness, but it really is about making time. And instead of just saying this and leaving you to feel like “what the heck, that’s what everyone says”, allow me to elaborate and give you a few ACTIONABLE strategies for making your workout a priority.

Tip: Become a devotee of the “less is more” philosophy.

In your quest to start up a routine it’s easy to get into perfectionist mode. Perfect place, perfect time, perfect setting. So unless you can get in your full hour of exactly what you want, you put it off until tomorrow, and then the next day and the day after that.


Repeat after me: something is better than nothing. Twenty minutes till baby wakes up? Bust out that dusty kettlebell and start swingin’. Baby being clingy? Do squats and sit-ups while lovin’ on your little one or holding them safely in your baby carrier. If they’re old enough, use a jogging stroller and get moving. It’s important to get creative with ways to be active.

The endorphins do lovely things for our hormones and the confidence and overall wellbeing that comes with a good workout can’t be beaten. Something else I always recommend is scheduling your workouts on your calendar. If you’ve got a significant other, communicate with them about when you’d like to exercise (be it at home or in a class setting) and get on the same page for the upcoming week. Sure, things will likely come up – but at least you’ve got a general outline for staying fit and healthy versus winging it every day and then feeling defeated when life doesn’t go as planned. And don’t forget Plan B …. doing what you can, with what you have – even if only for 10 or 20 minutes!

Tip: Get deeper with your goals.

Want to lose weight postpartum? That’s great, so does most everyone else. Thing is, that motivator is way too shallow to stand on its own long-term. At the end of the day, you can live with a few extra pounds. But can you live with the disease, or not being able to enjoy life as your kid(s) grow up and start running all over the place? Now THOSE are things you can be motivated by long-term.

Your goals need to be deeper than just weight loss because on the days you’re extra stressed and willpower is non-existent, it will be that much easier to throw in the towel and let that moment become weeks and months and years. Exercise for the quality of life. For precious moments with your family and having the energy to enjoy them. For that extremely important hormonal balance as your body recovers from a miraculous 10-month journey.

This way, even when you hit a plateau or you’re just not feelin’ it in general, you’ll have those deeper motivators to keep you going. And the best part? The scale will naturally start that downward trend you’re aiming for (medical condition(s) notwithstanding).

Tip: Take rest days.

This is especially true for the breastfeeding gals. It takes energy to make energy, and your body is working hard behind the scenes to make milk for little one. Plus, it takes awhile for your joints and everything else to return to normal. Give yourself a break and modify as needed, but more importantly – REST!! Don’t go from birth to beast mode. Take it one day at a time and make sure to give yourself at least one day of solid rest each week. Oh, and not power vinyasa yoga rest – count that as a day of actual exercise (here’s to you, fellow yogis) – I’m talking dynamic stretching, foam rolling. This will also help with muscle soreness post-workout, as it will take more work for your body to recover from exercise postpartum. If you’re wondering if EVERYTHING is harder body wise after baby, you would be correct – but the reward of that beautiful little person is so worth it! You’ve just got to strike a balance between activity and recovery so that YOU stay okay, too.

Tip: Stop being “on” or “off”.

You know that elusive wagon you feel like you’re always falling off of? It’s an annoying pest. But it doesn’t have to be … what if you saw your life as one continuous and unbroken flow versus being “on” or “off”? What if you embraced that taking more rest days than planned is the same YOU that sticks to her workout regimen faithfully? When you’re too rigid with yourself, you’ll treat any new endeavour as something that will eventually end … so that you can get back to your “normal” life, right? Instead, when you shift to a continuous mindset you can pick yourself up and dust off much faster. This new approach helps you get deeper, down to the core … what do you value and why? If you’re noticing a pattern here, it’s for good reason. You’ve GOT to get deeper than “bikini season” and make your goals more meaningful for the hard days where you just want to throw in the towel.

Tip: Accountability is a wonderful thing!

Let’s face it: the average mama is really overrun with demands on her time. It’s one thing to get a workout inconsistently, and quite another to keep it going long term. Thing is, even elite athletes have coaches. They didn’t rise to great heights without support! They have someone holding them accountable to the objectives they’ve set for themselves. Athletes and non-athletes alike benefit from this; having a structured plan and someone to check-in with. Be it a workout buddy (not the kind that slacks off … you know what I’m talking about!), a trainer or group fitness program (like what we do at our studio); find your groove and delight in the additional structure + accountability! You’re not a failure for not being able to keep things up on your own. Quite the opposite – you’re a WARRIOR and your vulnerability and willingness to seek help with your goals is a very positive thing!

I hope part one of my series for busy mamas has inspired you to make movement a normal part of your daily routine. You really will be so much better off each day in every way. It’s not easy but it’s worth it. We have 1,400+ minutes in every day – don’t you think you’re worth at least 30-60 of those?

Have an additional tip for staying active as a mama? Share below, and stay tuned for part two all about what’s on our plate, aka nutrition!


A Fellow New Mama Just Figuring Things Out As I Go, Too

Christina Sanghera

About Inspired Wellness
We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You CAN have it all; you just need some determination, grit and the desire to truly change your life!

Catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!

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One Comment

  1. Stephanie Jaquez July 31, 2018 at 1:37 am - Reply

    Great read, I am still struggling with postpatum weight and my daughter is now 4. A mama body is hard to reshape but I am feeling better about my journey.

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